九は病、五七は雨に四つ旱、六八ならば風と知るべし Ku(9) wa yamai, go(5)-shichi(7) wa ame ni yottsu(4) hideri, roku(6)-hachi(8) naraba kaze to shirubeshi.

  • 解釈:地震の起こった時刻によって、それが何の前兆かを占う。九は十二時、五は八時、七は四時、四は十時、六は六時、八は二時。
  • Literal:9 is sick, 5 and 7 are rainy, 4 is a drought, 6 and 8 are wind, Know it.
  • Interpretation:It is expected that each phenomenon occurs at the time when the earthquake happened. The time is an old name.
  • 類義:五七の雨に四つ旱、六つ八つ風に九の病。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.